Tuesday, September 30, 2008

General comments from Glenn Wiggle

Clearly we are in historic times and the economy if facing a financial crisis. We are not out of the woods yet, but we have been through difficult times in the past and the stock market has always gone on to higher ground. The key thing that people should remember is that if you are going to invest in the stock market you should make sure you maintain a fully diversified portfolio and that you have a long term time horizon. The most successful investors are those that invest for the long term, maintain a consistent strategy, and that invest systematically through things like their 401K plans.- Glenn Wiggle


Susan said...

is there a safe stock to buy, if yes what would you advise?

Anonymous said...

hi i have 26000in a 401k iam losing lots of money should i pull it out and put in a cd at a bank or hold on for now..Gary

Anonymous said...

i have a 401k and i was wandering if ishould pull it out keep it there or roll into a cd at the bank iam confused please help

Anonymous said...

We have 250,000 in cd's in banks that are safe. but we also have a sizable amt in variable annuities with John hancock. These are in a conservative acc and well diversified. If we pull them out we will be subject to a 7% penalty. My husband and i are both retired. what do you suggest

Anonymous said...

With it hard to get credit. Is there a way to get all 3 Credit B to report to each other?

I have a 18,000 car loan from a local credit union that only reported to one of the three. I have no other loans and one 7- right off from verizon which was paid in full to the credit collectors.

Must places I attmpted to get credit from always checks the other two.

Unknown said...

We had an auto accident that settled in 1985. We receive a monthly check from an annuity as part of the settlement. Is this in danger?

Anonymous said...

We owe 52,000$ in Home equity loans @ 4.755%,,,,should we LOCK IN this rate now?