Credit Unions are added banking outlet. Have many of same regulations and protections that banks have, but check there record first, not all have same requirements. Sometimes you can get better rates. Rosemary
1 comment:
With it hard to get credit. Is there a way to get all 3 Credit B to report to each other?
I have a 18,000 car loan from a local credit union that only reported to one of the three. I have no other loans and one 7- right off from verizon which was paid in full to the credit collectors.
Must places I attmpted to get credit from always checks the other two.
1 comment:
With it hard to get credit. Is there a way to get all 3 Credit B to report to each other?
I have a 18,000 car loan from a local credit union that only reported to one of the three. I have no other loans and one 7- right off from verizon which was paid in full to the credit collectors.
Must places I attmpted to get credit from always checks the other two.
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